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Responsive 2D zoom player with gallery and only CSS for layout

In the HTML markup below we simplified by setting the height to a fixed pixel value. In your CSS layout, if you want to the height to be responsive, please make sure that the parent container is responsive too / has calculated height. Then you could set the height of "axZmPlayerContainer" to 100%; Otherwise you will not see anything! Indeed in this example we have set the CSS height of one of the nested parent containers to calc(100vh - 110px - 58px - 10px) which is 100% body height minus some other values...

Javascript and CSS files in head

                            <!--  Include jQuery core into head section if not already present -->
                            <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.3/jquery.min.js"></script>

                            <!--  AJAX-ZOOM javascript -->
                            <script type="text/javascript" src="../axZm/jquery.axZm.js"></script>
                        <link type="text/css" href="../axZm/axZm.css" rel="stylesheet" />

HTML Markup

                            <!-- Container where AJAX-ZOOM will be loaded into -->
                        <div id="axZmPlayerContainer" style="width: 100%; height: 500px; background-color: #FFF; position: relative;"></div>


                            // Define some var to hold AJAX-ZOOM related values
                            window.ajaxZoom = {};

                            // Path to /axZm/ folder, adjust the path in your implementaion
                            ajaxZoom.path = "../axZm/";

                            // Define the ID of the responsive container
                            ajaxZoom.targetID = "axZmPlayerContainer";

                            // Images to load
                            ajaxZoom.zoomData = [

                            // "example" in query string which is passed to AJAX-ZOOM defines an options set
                            // which differs from default values. You can find the options set of this example
                            // in /axZm/zoomConfigCustom.inc.php after
                            // elseif ($_GET['example'] == 23)
                            ajaxZoom.queryString = "example=23";

                            // Pass images as CSV separated with '|', you could also use zoomDir to load entire directory with images instead of zoomData
                            // For more information about parameters which can be passed see example27.php
                            ajaxZoom.queryString += "&zoomData="+ajaxZoom.zoomData.join("|");

                            // AJAX-ZOOM possible callbacks
                            ajaxZoom.ajaxZoomCallbacks = {


                            // Enable overlay before AJAX-ZOOM loads
                            window.fullScreenStartSplash = {"enable": true, "className": false, "opacity": 0.75};

                            // Use jQuery.fn.axZm.openFullScreen() API to trigger AJAX-ZOOM responsive
                        jQuery.fn.axZm.openResponsive(ajaxZoom.path, ajaxZoom.queryString, ajaxZoom.ajaxZoomCallbacks, ajaxZoom.targetID, true, false, false);